Archive for the ‘Awards’ Category


I was recently nominated for a Wargaming Blog

Excellence Award by

and a while back somebody nominated me for a Liebster

Award. After saying thank you and feeling slightly

embarrassed and honoured at the same time I have finally

got myself into a position to respond in kind.

Wargaming for me is not just WW2,its Ancients,its Sci Fi,

its Warhammer and all its baggage, its board games, its computer

games, its remote control tanks, its re-enactments

and its full of scratch built goodies.

So without further ado these are the things I look for in a blog

that keep me coming back. Bright,glossy pictures that the person

has taken time to compose and get just right. Some background

information and in depth facts about what the pictures cannot

tell. Tutorials and guides on how things were painted or

created. Answer all the comments on your blog and leave loads

of comments on other peoples blog, it gets noticed.

Most important to me personally and the reason I love blogs

is the tiny gems you find every now and again. What gets me

painting and building is inspiration which just oozes out

blogs more than any company website. One tiny blog on

somebody converting a bog standard 1/72 Airfix tank with a

cocktail stick and a plunger(unusual example I grant you) is

worth a thousand times more than the company “How to construct”

list and suggested paints !

Listed below are some of my favourite blogs who I find hard

to separate in order and thus rank them all on a par of



What I love about this blog is the trees. If you have ever modelled

a humble tree for your model railway or Wargaming board I bet you

they never looked this good. If Michelangelo had space he would

have included them on the Sistine Chapel. Apart from the heavenly trees

the blog is full of detailed background information and lovely photography.

Plus loads of posts on Ancients, Fantasy, Napoleonic and more.


Where to start ? For me the outstanding thing about this blog is the

warm feedback you get from its excellent wargaming blogger and its

what a blog should all be about. Added to that are detailed battle

reports to die for and plenty of beautiful pictures to go with it.

Wargaming information from WW2 in 20mm and loads of American Civil

War stuff, Napoleonic and the occasional visit to a Wargaming

convention where he gets dragged(pleasantly) into playing .


Colour, more colour, strange plants and weird things and

that’s why I love this blog. A well presented blog,with

superb painting, pictures and articles. Forget run of the mill

and think out of the box. You just have read the battle report

Lost in Translation

to get an idea of what this site is about. Oh a word of warning,

your going to get a strange urge to buy a Dr Zoidberg figure for

your gaming table after reading this blog 🙂 I now have one lol

As mentioned all 3 are excellent blogs but I came across a blog

only last week that for me just nails it.


I`m a sucker for history and beautiful architecture and wandering

round the inside of a Cathederal is right up there on a par with

Bovington Tank museum to me(strange comparison but that’s how I tick).

Its especially fun for me as I see lots of 40k Gothic building possibilities

in the architecture and whats always been my plan was to copy those

beautiful stained glass windows.

My prays were answered with the following post :

Whats more the post includes free PNG files of the windows to

download at your pleasure.

I love the posts in this blog and I love the building work,but

most of all I love the spirit of giving your hard work away

just to help fellow gamers.

It was that tiny gem that inspired me and thus the reason

to give warhammer 39,9999 my vote.

Good luck everybody and

keep blogging your excellent blogs because it saves me

buying books to read 🙂