Archive for October, 2017

I am in the process of building 3 armies for Bolt Action and

I `m slowly making head way. I am painting British ,American and


First up is a British Army Command Group.

Second, British Forward Observer Team.

Third US Army Command Group.

And finally US 50 Cal HMG Team.

I am working on a PAK40 and Nebelwerfer for the

Germans which are nearly finished.

Don’t hide your miniatures and models away in boxes ,showcase them.”

This was the quote on ebay that sold me. £11.99 and £2.82 postage gets you a

customisable display board for your miniatures. Its made of laser cut MDF and

comes with a display piece ,a rear piece and frame.It holds up to 18 figures for

25mm and 32mm bases depending on your choice.

All you have to is decorate it to your choice. I decided on a grassy background to

blend in with my British Bolt Action Troops ,but its totally up to you what

you cover it in.

Basically ideal for displaying figures ,transporting figures, photographing figures

and selling them(I saw two people at the Newbury Colours show using these bases

to display merchandise).