Archive for December, 2014

I seem to have slowed down as Christmas is crept up

and concentrated on the small bits of detail needed to

bring the battlefield to life.

More walls(you can never have enough walls), a water trough

and pump by Hovels, a well from Hovels, a barn from a cannot

honestly remember(I buy things and they sit in boxes for ages

and then I remember them but for the love of.. I cant think

where I bought them from !) and some crafty animal water troughs/

feeders which have come from a new spring of battlefield goodies

I discovered recently. The spring of goodies is the world of miniature

dolls houses and farm equipment and its huge and full of 15mm/20mm size

objects 🙂

Anyway I bought a couple of cow looking troughs and stuck them to

side of the building and a wall and filled them with Scenic realistic

water(I tried E-Z water 1st but was not happy with the result). Add on

some foliage and Bobs your uncle. I also scratch built a tap on the side

of the barn to feed the trough.

None of its actually finished yet but nearly there.





Finally just got to say to everybody, “Have a wonderful

Christams and I hope Santa brings everything you want“. Failing

that do what I do every year,put your own presents under the

tree lol


Its just been released today specifically for people playing Flames Of War.
Basically its an online army generator saving you the time and effort to
work out what you can and cannot field on the table.

Here is the official line :

Forces Of War gives you the ability to prepare and refine army lists effortlessly.
This website is an automated tool which lets you trial endless combinations of platoons
and options from Flames Of War Intelligence Briefings until you find the ideal design
for any points level or model collection. Not only does it allow you to build the perfect army list,
but also print it out in an attractive, easy-to-read format, including the appropriate
Arsenal data and Special Rules for your force

Beware there is a cost involved but its a lot cheaper than buying all the books.
Rough costs work out at $16 an online briefing compared to a $50 book.
You can also have smaller briefings at a $1 a go. Its also only in ipad format so far, I think ?

Follow the link below :

A big plus for this as I see it is that its much easier to have a tablet on your
gaming board with all the rules, lists and info than half a dozen large books.
The storage factor is also a large plus as I have shelves of books going dusty.

I will be giving it a go later and will report back.

As the end of the Year is just round the corner I

decided to go for a group shot of my growing British

forces which are being assembled to take on my Panzer

Lehr sledgehammer.

Just click on a picture to enlarge. Be aware these

pictures are quite big 🙂




Plenty more room on the table so best get painting.

I think some aerial power is required ?

Everybody needs something to stop the Panzers in

their tracks and these babies could do just that.

17pdr guns that had better performance than the

German 75-mm (long) or 88-mm counterparts.

All four are made by Battlefront and I have chopped

and changed the crews to make them as British looking

as possible. Out with helmets and in with the berets and

pipes. The vehicles have 75th Anti-Tank Regiment markings

which once gain fits nicely into the 11th Armoured Division


Click on an image to enlarge 🙂







Continuing with my British forces I decided to add

some much needed recon starting with an Armoured

Car Platoon. I have started with 3 Daimler Dingos

by Battlefront,2 Daimler Mk1 Armoured Cars by

Battlefront and a beefy Staghound by Skytrex. I

already have a Carrier Platoon so I can mix and

match as required in the reconnaissance role.

All the vehicles and markings still fit into the

11th Armoured umbrella with the “44” being the

Inns Of Court Regiment

I have added some extra stowage and changed a

few of the crew. I also added aerials which are

essential for a recon vehicle to report back what

it can see.

Click on any image to enlarge 🙂








