Highland Miniatures Sons of Ymir Dwarfs(32mm)

Posted: November 23, 2023 in 28mm
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“And now for something completely different”. I have as of late been reading the wonderful,” Talking Miniatures” book about the early days of Citadel Miniatures and per chance spotted and bought an old Citadel “Warhammer Armies Dwarfs” book at a local car boot sale. This got me all nostalgic for my first adventures into the old world of Citadel back in the late 80s when I was lucky enough to have been working in the Nottingham area in the UK.

 Armed with these pleasant memories I decided to dig up the past and delve back into the fantasy world with a random selection of anything going cheap. So, first thought was dwarves and wow the prices these go for on fleabay are amazing. While I waited on numerous auctions to get a bargain, I stumbled on a thread on facebook dedicated to Warhammer the Old World and Dwarfs. I discovered that during the vacuum of models made after Warhammer abandoned the Fantasy world a new force had appeared on the scene. And no its not the “ Age of Sigmar” ,but a sideways move into the 3D printed world in an attempt to catch up with the creeping size issue as models get bigger and bigger.

I found a range of dwarfs by Highland Minatures called the Sons Of Ymir. These are beautiful printed 3D models printed in 32mm or 28mm. I choose the 32mm to deal with the size creep and as something a bit different. The range is still growing and covers most dwarfs and then some extras so plenty of options for a large army build. As 3D printed models go not a single bit of flash to clean off, just an arm and a shield to glue on and ready to prime. No bases included. One thing I have noticed about 3D printed models as a word of warning is that they can be a bit on the fragile side, so go carefully while handling( I have handled and dropped a few different 3D models from different manufacturers  and all fall into the same issue). Once based, painted and varnished they are a lot more forgiving.

Price wise, a group a 10 dwarfs group costs £18.40 plus £4 delivery. Obviously if you buy in greater numbers, you get a discount. I bought mine from Etsy Uk Print3dminiaturesUK which I can highly recommend. By contrast a Warhammer group of 10 dwarfs from Games Workshop would cost you £32.50 plus postage.

I decided on a green paint scheme for my dwarfs and basically followed a youtube guide by Miniature Realms (Warhammer Fantasy & The Old World | Dwarf Warrior Painting Tutorial | Highlands Miniatures – YouTube). My paint scheme did not follow the recipe to the letter, but I followed the basic ingredients of the guide and found it very useful, especially if you are trying to get models onto the table to a decent tabletop standard.

Everything was finished to a snowy theme as my playing boards will be winter themed as well. The dwarfs are stood in a basic laser cut movement tray that has had the snow treatment.

I also managed to paint up a seperate Ballista and crew as well.

So basically, these models kept me busy while I hunted out by ebay bargains from the Old World which can be found shortly in post coming soon.

  1. tankfanboy says:

    I really like the green theme, hty look great.

  2. patmcf says:

    Nice work there matey 👍🏻

  3. These are really nice! 🙂 I’ve seen the minis Highland Miniatures offer and they are very nice indeed and you can’t complain at the price compared to GW!

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